At CEC, we believe the success of our students extends far beyond graduation day, and we are proud to highlight the achievements of our alumni! Today’s Alumni Spotlight is Mason Raschkes, CEC graduate of the class of 2024:
- Tell us a little about yourself and your career journey since graduating from CEC Castle Rock?
Since graduating, I have started 2 construction companies. (CoreConstruct LLC, and 303Habitats LLC). CoreConstruct deals with all residential construction projects. This includes remodels, custom home builds, additions, deck builds, basement finishes, and so much more! 303Habitats buys shipping containers and modifies them into modular homes, offices, businesses, and pretty much anything else you can imagine. - Before enrolling, what made you choose CEC Castle Rock?
I enrolled in CEC the first year the Castle Rock location was open. I remember being in 8th grade and so ambitious to do more, and get ahead. Ever since an early age, I was always frustrated by the fact that I was stuck on a linear path that everyone is stuck following until they hit a certain age and get a certain level of education. In this stage of life, you are so limited on the extra things you can do to get ahead, and that made me so frustrated because I always wanted more. I was always so ambitious to get on with my life and get ahead. One day, my mom mentioned something about a new school (Colorado Early Colleges) and the opportunity sounded amazing. It was just what I had been looking for. That same day I filled out the enrollment forms and for the next few months all I could think about was if I would get accepted to the school or not. - What degree or certification did you earn?
In my time at CEC, I jumped around between different pathways multiple times. My freshman and sophomore year I was set on graduating high school as quickly as I could. My junior year I went to Red Rocks Community College for trade school. I ended up doing their carpentry program, and got started on their plumbing program. My senior year I decided it was better to get experience on an actual jobsite as opposed to going to school. At this point I had already finished most of the trade school, so I figured it wouldn’t teach me much more about the trade, so I decided to go to Arapahoe Community College to study finance whilst working full-time for a general contractor. - What did you most enjoy about your CEC experience? Please share any favorite memories from your time here.
Aside from the fact that CEC allowed me the flexibility to not only get ahead academically but also get ahead financially, and professionally, I would say I have some really great memories with the staff members. I can confidently say in my experience every single staff member I came across is there because they genuinely care about teaching, and making an impact of the students’ lives. Every staff member is there to help out and help the future generations of our great country get ahead and lead. I really enjoyed being able to pick their brains and learn as much from them as I could about not only the classes they taught, but also other important things about life. I had multiple conversations with different staff members about taxes, and investments, and all kinds of random things that would help everyone optimize their lives in different ways. - How did CEC Castle Rock help shape your personal or professional development?
I think CEC really changed my life. There are so many great mentors there that genuinely care to help you with things even outside of school. The great thing about CEC is the fact that it revolves around one ultimate goal which is helping people get ahead in life. Everyone who goes to CEC acknowledges the fact that it is going to be extra work for a reason. I knew from the beginning that It wasn’t going to be a walk in the park compared to a traditional school. The school helps with character building because it constantly pushes students out of their comfort zone. Getting out of my comfort zone only propelled me further and just caused me to want more and more. Many of the teachers really test your thinking skills which really helps develop a well-rounded logical person. I specifically remember having one English teacher who always gave us the most interesting writing prompts with the goal to get you to really think and question things. Another great thing about CEC is the fact that everyone is there with a similar goal and that goal is to get ahead and succeed, and do more. There is a common saying “you are who you surround yourself with.” Being around people who have the similar goal of excellence helped me develop as a person, and the staff really perpetuated the importance of having this goal oriented/high achiever mindset.

- What classes or extracurricular activities have had a significant impact on you?
I think the most impactful thing CEC offered to me was the flexibility. I from the start knew I didn’t want to follow the traditional route. I didn’t want to go to college and spend a bunch of money. CEC offers a head start on college, but also offers a head start on other career options. I kind of knew from the start what interested me, and that I wanted to eventually start a business. I always was interested in construction but knew nothing about it. Being able to attend trade school at such an early age got my foot in the door, and helped me get my first job in construction as a deck builder. at this point I was 16 working full-time for a construction company and attending night classes at Red Rocks Community College. No other school offers that kind of freedom and flexibility and so that was by far the most impactful thing CEC was able to offer me. From there it progressed to different job opportunities with other contractors and ultimately put me in a position of desire and security. I remember constantly getting new job offers that came with large pay raises because CEC allowed me the freedom to get myself in such a position. - What advice would you give future students at CEC Castle Rock?
I would suggest they connect with as many staff members as possible because the direction they can point you in and all the different things you can learn from them make a significant difference. I would also suggest they do as many things as possible to get uncomfortable. Whether taking a public speaking class or getting out into the real world and getting your hands dirty. Learn as much as you can and create that desire. Market yourself and be creative! Your only limitation is yourself, and that’s the truth. Speaking of creativity, when I was 16, I called every contractor around town, begging for a chance. I was turned down every time because of my age and experience. Instead of waiting a couple of years and giving up, I decided to stand outside of Home Depot with a sign saying, “I want to work construction,” that is how I got my first job as an apprentice. It’s all about learning how to sell yourself efficiently and being creative.
Learn more about opportunities at CEC Castle Rock!