Student Spotlight: CEC Fort Collins Robotics Club competed in the VEX World Robotics Championships

CEC Fort Collins High School was privileged to bring two teams to the VEX World Robotics Championships in Dallas, Texas from April 25-27th. This is the largest robotics competition in the world.

    • Our Freshmen team (99751F : Frostbyte) with Tripton Hazlett, Josh Mitchell, Alex Faltermier, and Elias Briggs ended up placing 11th out of 81 teams in the Engineering Division with a qualifying record of 8-2! They then allianced with a team from Taiwan named Pangolin. Together this alliance one their first elimination round but fell just a bit short and lost in the second round. This put this team in the top 1.7% in the world!

    • Our Junior/Sophmore team (99751Z : C–) with Tyler Pennock, Isaiah Hocking, Hayden Tallis (along with honorary mention to Peter Bennett) competed in the Arts Division with 81 teams. They ranked in at 25th in this division and were the last ones to stay “alive” in the alliance selection. Making an Alliance with an Ohio team, this team got the #16 seed and battled very hard against the #1 seed in their division. They lost their first elimination round, but they still claim a spot in the top 3.5% around the globe with making it to the elimination rounds.

During this event, the students get to meet and interact with peers at the highest level of competition robotics has to offer. Students also get to implement all of their skills, designs, and strategies they have cultivated through the robotics season. Students apply and develop soft skills during these events too as they learn to work as a team and collaborate with other teams from around the globe. As a coach, Mr. Mesh was surrounded by former middle school students, current high school students, and he had two former students in attendance. One was a head referee giving back to a community that he loves, and the other started the VEX U program at the Colorado School of Mines and competed at the collegiate level!

If you are interested in supporting the Robotics Program for the 2023-2024 Season: Over Under, then please consider donating to this link: This is a community-based program, and we rely on help from sponsors to keep the robots being built and the students perpetuating their own learning.


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