CEC Douglas County North Prospective Family Tour

Sign up below, for an interactive School tour of Colorado Early Colleges Inverness. Your high-schooler can earn a 2-year college degree or industry certification at the same time as their high-school diploma. Various homeschool opportunities are also available.


CECCR Prospective Family Tour

Join us for a school tour to see our campus and learn how CEC Castle Rock can be the next step in your student's future.


CEC Online Campus School Accountability Committee (SAC)

Please join us for the Online Campus School Accountability Committee meeting.RSVP using the link below. https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_YzE2OTRmY2UtNjliMy00ZjVmLWI4ZTgtZTk2MzE0ZjFhZWI2%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%22756e5b19-b4c4-4dc1-ae63-693179768af4%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%2257badff0-0a73-470e-a82c-92a5edb570b9%22%7d


CEC Douglas County North In-Person Town Hall

Sign up below, for an interactive School tour of Colorado Early Colleges Inverness. Your high-schooler can earn a 2-year college degree or industry certification at the same time as their high-school diploma. Various homeschool opportunities are also available.


CEC Douglas County North Prospective Family Tour

Sign up for an interactive School tour of Colorado Early Colleges Douglas County North. At CEC, your high-schooler can earn an associate degree or industry certification at the same time as their high-school diploma.


CEC Online Campus Informational Meeting

Attend this Informational Meeting to learn how CEC Online Campus can be the right step in your student's future. RSVP below and follow this link for the meeting: Click here to join CEC’s Summit Up mailing list to keep up with Colorado Early Colleges! We’ll keep you in the loop on news and updates from around […]


CECFC MS Tour & Informational Meeting – November 1st

Want to learn more about what sets CECFC apart from other big box schools and see if CECFC is the best fit for your family? Attend one of our in-person Informational Meetings. Led by members of our Leadership Team, meetings include a presentation on our programs, staff, culture, Q&A, and tour! If you are unable […]


CECCR Prospective Family Tour

Join us for a school tour to see our campus and learn how CEC Castle Rock can be the next step in your student's future.


CEC Douglas County North Prospective Family Tour

Sign up for an interactive School tour of Colorado Early Colleges Douglas County North. At CEC, your high-schooler can earn an associate degree or industry certification at the same time as their high-school diploma.


CECA Attendance Workshop 

The purpose of Attendance Workshop is to help students and guardians understand how attendance affects students' academic performance and how to develop positive routines around time management and personal accountability. We will identify obstacles and barriers that prevent us from being successful in this area and find ways to overcome them in a supportive environment. 

CEC Douglas County North Tour for CECP Families

Sign up below, for an interactive School tour of Colorado Early Colleges Inverness. Your high-schooler can earn a 2-year college degree or industry certification at the same time as their high-school diploma. Various homeschool opportunities are also available.

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