Give to Douglas County North High School
How proud and thrilled we were to open our campus doors in the Fall of 2020 and begin offering families in Douglas County and beyond another location to access the best opportunities possible towards achieving academic and career success for their students. We appreciate your visit today in support of our school as we continue our work to become a valuable addition to this energetic and welcoming community!
Lion Parent Group Fund
The Lion Parent Group at DC North is a dedicated and passionate group of parents who raise funds to support activities and projects such as food and drink for school events (Senior Nights, College/Career Nights, Graduation, Senior Breakfasts, student dances and functions), teacher supplies, sports equipment, and community events sponsorships, as well as monthly staff appreciation breakfasts and lunches.
Thank you for your contribution to support their work!
Click here to give!
Lion Summit Fund
Your gift to the Lion Summit Fund helps our overall mission thrive by supporting innovation in student learning options, elite student advising for college and career preparation, increased availability for tutoring and mentoring, career and technical education expansion, workforce development programs, student services and wellness resources, and more.
Click here to give!
Student Activities
Offering our students the opportunity to participate in extracurricular clubs and activities helps us take them beyond the importance of grades and test scores. It allows them to discover new passions, to apply their academic skills outside of the classroom, to engage with others and develop individual leadership and teamwork skills, and to build self-confidence as they advance towards their future goals.
Career and Technical Student Organization (DECA) – Participation in DECA prepares emerging leaders and entrepreneurs in marketing, finance, hospitality and management. Activities provide realistic insight into a variety of industries through our partnerships with local businesses. DECA members are also offered the opportunity to put their classroom knowledge to the test through local and national competitions to earn awards and scholarships.
Knowledge Bowl – Support our students who have accepted the challenge to compete in the Colorado Knowledge Bowl tournament and reach for the top! Knowledge Bowl is the name for several interdisciplinary academic quiz bowl-like competitions across the United States and the world. Knowledge Bowl in Colorado typically involves teams of four to six students trying to answer questions in a written round and several oral rounds, and the winner is the team with the greatest number of points at the end of the meet.
Health Occupation Students of America (HOSA) – HOSA actively promotes career opportunities in the health industry and enhancing the delivery of quality health care to all people. Participation in this global, student-led organization empowers members to become leaders in the global health community through education, collaboration, and experience.
National Honor Society (NHS) – The NHS is about empowering, championing, and recognizing well-rounded students. Student participation in NHS empowers and equips them with the knowledge and skills to be transformative leaders in their school, community, and beyond.
Student Council – Our amazing student council warmly invites you to join with them through your generous gift on behalf of their fundraising efforts for student events such as homecoming, prom, and other school community activities!
General/Other – If you would like to give to Student Activities but have no preference for a specific club/activity, please choose the General option. If you would like to give to a club/activity that you do not see listed, please choose the General option and specify in the comments section which club/activity you would like to support.
Click here to give!
Teachers & Staff Appreciation
We couldn’t be more proud to provide this opportunity to thank our dedicated teachers and staff for their professionalism, perseverance, and unwavering commitment to student success this past school year with your special gift of appreciation.
Click here to give!