Give to CEC Fort Collins High School

CEC has proudly served Fort Collins since 2012 and we are extremely thankful for the support we have received along the way from donors who have shared in our passion to continually reach towards a higher standard of learning and growth for our middle and high school students and families in this great community.  We are thrilled by your visit today to support our current programs with your generosity!

Learning an instrument demands focus, discipline, and the ability to multitask. And music gives students unique opportunities to express themselves creatively, discover a hidden passion, build confidence, and boost overall well-being. 

Band & Orchestra Gifts to the band and orchestra will be used to purchase large instruments (string bass, tuba, saxophone, etc.) for both Fort Collins High School and Middle School, that students might not be able to afford on their own. 

Vocal Music – Gifts to the vocal music program will be used to send high school and middle school students to All State Choir in Denver as well as the Combined League Honor Choir in Greeley. 

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We are proud to have the largest robotics program in the state and student participation places them in direct contact with 21st century skills including coding, engineering, and the scientific method in a fun and engaging way – not to mention the additional benefit of building essential teamwork and leadership skills. Support our award-winning robotics teams with your gift to help cover expenses for robotics kits, team registrations, and competitive event costs.

If you are interested in corporate sponsorship for our CECFC Robotics Team, please click here for our high school sponsorship packet.

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We couldn’t be more proud to provide this opportunity to thank our dedicated teachers and staff for their professionalism, perseverance, and unwavering commitment to student success this past school year with your special gift of appreciation.

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From providing students with unique experiences such as field trips to building self-awareness through the middle school Elevate class, to supporting student advising, mentoring, and student services — your gift to the Wolf Summit Fund breathes life into our mission for both the middle school and high school.

Click here to give!

Your gift to the Wolf Works Fund supports the development of work-based learning experiences that encourage students to apply their learning above and beyond the classroom and practice employability skills. Thank you for your support of this important career program!

Click here to give!

Have questions or would like to learn more about giving to Colorado Early Colleges?