Student Spotlight: Senay Tewolde, CEC DC North Senior, Receives the First-Generation Recognition Award from CollegeBoard!

Senay Tewolde student spotlight - CEC DC North

Congratulations to Senay Tewolde, a CEC DC North senior, who recently received the First-Generation Recognition Award from CollegeBoard!

Recipients are strong academic performers. Students who take eligible administrations of the PSAT/NMSQT, PSAT 10, or AP Exams and meet the score requirements are considered for awards. Many colleges intentionally recruit awardees, and school communities often celebrate students who receive these awards.

Senay has been with Colorado Early Colleges since his sophomore year and will be graduating this year with an associate of science degree. After graduation, he hopes to attend one of the United States Military Academies to study engineering.

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