CEC Online Campus Informational Meeting

Attend this Informational Meeting to learn how CEC Online Campus can be the right step in your student's future. RSVP below and follow this link for the meeting: Click here to join CEC’s Summit Up mailing list to keep up with Colorado Early Colleges! We’ll keep you in the loop on news and updates from around […]


CEC Online Campus Informational Meeting

Attend this Informational Meeting to learn how CEC Online Campus can be the right step in your student's future. RSVP below and follow this link for the meeting: Click here to join CEC’s Summit Up mailing list to keep up with Colorado Early Colleges! We’ll keep you in the loop on news and updates from around […]


CEC Online Campus Safe2Tell Parent/Community Presentation

This is an informational session for all CECOLC families and community members. Come learn all about Safe2Tell, our primary mode for students, parents/guardians, and community members to anonymously report concerns. Learn how to report anything that concerns or threatens you, your child, your family, your community or our school and its staff. This information session will go over procedures […]


CEC Online Campus Informational Meeting

Attend this Informational Meeting to learn how CEC Online Campus can be the right step in your student's future. RSVP below and follow this link for the meeting: Click here to join CEC’s Summit Up mailing list to keep up with Colorado Early Colleges! We’ll keep you in the loop on news and updates from around […]


CEC Online Campus Informational Meeting

Attend this Informational Meeting to learn how CEC Online Campus can be the right step in your student's future. RSVP below and follow this link for the meeting: Click here to join CEC’s Summit Up mailing list to keep up with Colorado Early Colleges! We’ll keep you in the loop on news and updates from around […]


CEC Online Campus Informational Meeting

Attend this Informational Meeting to learn how CEC Online Campus can be the right step in your student's future. RSVP below and follow this link for the meeting: Click here to join CEC’s Summit Up mailing list to keep up with Colorado Early Colleges! We’ll keep you in the loop on news and updates from around […]


CEC Online Campus School Accountability Committee (SAC)

Please join us for the Online Campus School Accountability Committee meeting.RSVP using the link below. https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_YzE2OTRmY2UtNjliMy00ZjVmLWI4ZTgtZTk2MzE0ZjFhZWI2%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%22756e5b19-b4c4-4dc1-ae63-693179768af4%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%2257badff0-0a73-470e-a82c-92a5edb570b9%22%7d


CEC Online Campus Informational Meeting

Attend this Informational Meeting to learn how CEC Online Campus can be the right step in your student's future. RSVP below and follow this link for the meeting: Click here to join CEC’s Summit Up mailing list to keep up with Colorado Early Colleges! We’ll keep you in the loop on news and updates from around […]


CEC Online Campus Informational Meeting

Attend this Informational Meeting to learn how CEC Online Campus can be the right step in your student's future. RSVP below and follow this link for the meeting: Click here to join CEC’s Summit Up mailing list to keep up with Colorado Early Colleges! We’ll keep you in the loop on news and updates from around […]

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