School Spotlight: CEC Castle Rock Hosts Kenyan Maasai Chief Joseph ole Tipanko!

This month, CEC Castle Rock hosted Chief Joseph ole Tipanko of the Maasai Tribe of Kenya at their student assembly. Students and staff were thrilled about this amazing opportunity to learn about and experience a new culture!

The Maasai Tribe is trying to maintain their cultural heritage which dates back centuries, while being pressed upon by modern society. They shared about the difficulties that this causes and also how they are facing threats to their very existence by the years-long drought that is wiping out their cattle herds, their main livelihood. They also demonstrated their tremendous singing and dancing skills and had jewelry and art items for sale to help raise funds for water projects and education for their people.

To learn more about the Maasai Tribe, their culture, and different projects put on by Maasai Development Incorporated, visit the Maasai Development Incorporated charitable site.

To learn more about CEC Castle Rock, sign up for a school tour to meet school leaders, ask questions, and find out how CEC can be the right fit for you.

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