CEC in the News: Standout CEC Colorado Springs Student Featured on Fox21News!

William’s stellar performance in school started with the encouragement of his brother and 8th grade English Teacher, who pushed him to apply and eventually enroll at Colorado Early Colleges Colorado Springs.  Fast-forward three years and 55 college credits later, and William is now looking forward to his future of becoming a doctor, as he has been accepted into the Medical School Program at the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus.

“I think William is really a standout student, because of his compassion and his empathy for others. He wants to serve in the community to help others that have gone through similar situations, to emerge more successfully,” said Jennifer Daugherty, Head of School at CEC Colorado Springs.

“Seeing both my parents, they had a lot of medical issues and they didn’t have access to medical care. I just really want to give back to my community, and I want to be able to give that to people,” said William.

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