CEC in the News: CECFC Recognized for Concurrent Enrollment Program!

CECFC High School was recently recognized by Front Range Community College in their Concurrent Enrollment Report for the 2021-2022 Academic Year “AY” on our success as an Early College! Here are some excerpts from the report –

In AY22, the FRCC-CEC Concurrent Enrollment “CE” partnership saved CEC students and families nearly $2.2 million in college tuition costs in the last year. It is with pleasure that we continue to work together with CEC to open the door to early college experiences for young adults—experiences that can change lives, families, and communities for the better.”

Overall, CEC students passed 92% of credits attempted with a “C” or better during AY22, up noticeably from 88.8% in AY21 and higher than the AY21 Colorado Community College System (CCCS) colleges state-wide benchmark of 91.1%.”

CEC continues to be a valued FRCC partner (both in terms of student headcount and credits attempted). CEC has the largest single-school CE program in Colorado, and we see CEC Fort Collins (CEC) students take more credits on average than do students in our local school district partner high schools.” CECFC students average 12.4 credits per student over Poudre School District students average of only 6.7 credits per student!

CEC is also proud to be the largest concurrent enrollment school in the state!

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