The Board of Colorado Early Colleges (CEC) voted on August 16, 2024, to name Jill Gildea, ED.D, as the sole finalist for the position of Chief Executive Officer

The Board of Colorado Early Colleges (CEC) voted on August 16, 2024, to name Jill Gildea, ED.D, as the sole finalist for the position of Chief Executive Officer. Below are the documents Dr. Gildea provided as part of her application packet. In accordance with C.R.S. § 24-6-402(3.5), these materials are being made public for at least 14 days before the Board extends any offer. If any member of the public or CEC stakeholder wishes to provide comments regarding Dr. Gildea, please submit your comments in writing via email to:

PCSD Flip Book

Jill Gildea – Cover Letter
Jill Gildea – Resume
Jill Gildea – Candidate Responses

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