Welcome to CEC Westminster College Direct!


CEC Westminster College Direct (CECWCD) is a tuition-free public charter high school option welcoming ALL students in metro and rural Colorado. Our students attend classes directly on the campus of one of our Accredited College Partners and have the ability to earn an associate degree, other industry credentials, or 60+ college course credits while simultaneously completing CEC high school graduation requirements.

Students who enroll with CEC Westminster College Direct have access to the same benefits available to those who attend classes on our Fort Collins High School campus.

Important Enrollment Information for the 2025-2026 School Year:
CEC Westminster College Direct is now accepting enrollment applications for the Spring 2025 semester through October 1st. Enrollment for the Fall 2024 semester has closed.
  • Individualized academic and career advising through the Westminster Satellite Office every semester
  • Eligibility to compete in CHSAA sports
  • Full-Time & Part-Time enrollment opportunities to meet the needs of our unique student population, including homeschool and non-public school students
  • Opportunity to participate in traditional high school activities such as Student Council, NHS, Prom, and High School Graduation through the CEC Fort Collins High School campus
  • Services Provided for Students with IEP, 504, ALP, and ELL plans
  • Students attend all classes at a CEC Accredited College Partner campus location that is convenient for them and have access to on-campus college resources such as free tutoring, student activities, and many other benefits of college student life
  • Opportunity to earn a CEC High School Diploma and an Associate Degree, Other Industry Credentials, or 60+ College Course Credits

Lisa Morehead – Admissions

2861 W 120th Ave, Suite 250 Westminster, CO 80234

Our Beliefs

CEC recognizes the responsibility we have been entrusted with to deliver a positive and lifelong impact on our students and their families, both academically and in life — and to deliver it with equity and fairness in the Colorado communities we have the privilege to serve. We have created a belief system to guide us in building strong campus communities filled with passion, driven by excellence, and dedicated to diversity, equity, and inclusion.

News from Our Schools

RSVP for One of Our Informational Meetings

Want to learn more to make sure CEC Westminster College Direct is right for your family?

Please contact westminsterenroll@coloradoearlycolleges.org with questions about enrollment for the 2025 Spring semester, or to be added to our interest list for future informational meetings.

We encourage all prospective families to attend one of our Informational Meetings, either in-person or virtually. The leadership team gives a presentation on our programs, staff, and culture, and are there to answer any questions you may have. Choose a date below and RSVP today!

What do our students like about College Direct?


variety of classes

passionate instruction

lack of busy-work

academic rigor

more credits in less time

Top 5 College Direct FAQs

No. The CEC Westminster College Direct (CECWCD) Satellite Office is not a school campus, but rather an advising and testing center. Students will participate in full advising appointments and take the Accuplacer and other state tests, as applicable, at our office location or remotely. All classes will be taken on the college campus of your choosing from our list of accredited college partners.

Yes, we have full-time advisors on staff for our CECWCD students at our Westminster Satellite Office location. They will work one-on-one with your student, in person or remotely, to ensure they are on track for high school graduation and the postsecondary pathway of their choosing.

Yes. CECWCD students may partake in all CEC Fort Collins High School campus activities such as Homecoming, Prom, NHS, Student Council, student clubs, and more. They may also get involved in any clubs and activities offered at the community college they attend.

Yes! CECWCD students are eligible to play sports for their neighborhood school as long as they meet the CHSAA requirements. CECWCD frequently provides the flexibility students need to better participate in practices, meets, and tournaments.

All Full-Time College Direct student graduates who meet CEC Graduation Requirements will graduate through the CEC Fort Collins High School. CECWCD students are eligible to attend the May CECFC graduation ceremony, and their high school diploma will designate them as a graduate of Colorado Early Colleges Fort Collins.

College Direct Full-Time / Part-Time Fact Sheet

Consideration For Full-Time Students For Part-Time Students
Course Load
3 college courses per semester
1-2 college courses per semester
Tuition Voucher
$2,400 per semester
$1,200 per semester
CEC Student Transcript
Includes courses transferred in from previously attended schools, including homeschools
CEC College Direct courses only
Earn a high school diploma through CEC Fort Collins
Participate in the CEC Fort Collins High School Graduation Ceremony
Course of Study
Must follow graduation requirements and Individual Career Academic Plan of CEC Fort Collins
Follow goals and requirements of private school or homeschool
Enroll at another public school while enrolled at CEC
No. CEC Fort Collins is a public charter school, and you may only be enrolled in one public school per school year.
No. You may be enrolled in a private school or a homeschool, but not another public school.
Change Full-Time or Part-Time status mid-year
*Yes. A Full-Time student may drop to Part-Time status for 2nd semester.
*No. A Part-Time student may not increase to Full-Time status until the next school year.
Attendance Verification
Required for students taking community college courses
Required for students taking community college courses
Grade Level Determination
Determined by prior year grade level and age
Determined by prior year grade level and age
State Required Standardized Tests
**9th, 10th, and 11th graders: CMAS, PSAT, and/or Colorado SAT
**9th, 10th, and 11th graders: CMAS, PSAT, and/or Colorado SAT
5th Year Option Availability

*Students may change their status only once during their enrollment at CEC. A Part-Time student may opt to become a Full-Time student at the beginning of any school year. At that time, the student will need to provide an official transcript showing any credits earned outside of CEC.

**State required standardized tests are required for all Full-Time AND Part-Time CEC College Direct students. All CEC Fort Collins students must come to the designated testing site on the designated testing days, even if it requires the student to miss an off-campus college course.

Students may continue to be enrolled at CEC until they meet their graduation requirements or until they turn 21. Students who turn 21 on or before October 1st of the current school year are not eligible for enrollment.

CEC Network Success Stats

average resident cost to earn an associate degree in Colorado
$ 0 K
students have graduated with an associate degree or higher
other industry credentials earned by our students
total college credits earned by our students
0 K+
saved in tuition, fees, and books for our students and families
$ 0 M+

Our Accredited College Partners