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Student Organizations
Colorado Early Colleges strives to create a welcoming and inclusive environment for all students. Each of our schools offer various organizations for students to participate in and are listed in school newsletters.
National Honor Society

As a member of the National Honor Society students will have many opportunities to lead, serve and have fun with fellow students who also value academic achievement and service to the community. Students are required to maintain the NHS standards while a member and those who graduate as an NHS member will also have the honor of wearing an NHS cord at graduation.
National Honor Society Applications:
Applications are available and due fall semester.
Open to students in 10th, 11th, and 12th grade. 9th grade students who are interested in joining next year should begin to build their membership qualifications and can apply next year.
Minimum 3.5 GPA required to apply
Must have a minimum of 20 hours of service to apply
Leadership experience preferred
Demonstration of character through a written essay
After applications are evaluated by the Faculty Council, students will be notified by the end of fall semester if they have been admitted or denied.
Select a School:
Please contact melissa.neihart@coloradoearlycolleges.org if you have any questions.
CEC Castle Rock HS – National Honor Society Application – 2023-24
Please contact carolyn.alvey@coloradoearlycolleges.org if you have any questions.
CEC DC North HS – National Honor Society Application – 2024-25