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Colorado Early Colleges believes that assessments provide valuable information for students, parents, and teachers on whether students have mastered grade-level content and are on track to enroll in college level courses.
Each CEC school posts an assessment calendar with additional information. Assessment calendars can be found on the calendars page.
Parent/guardians may NOT opt their student(s) out of state required screeners/assessments, or local assessments such as MAPS and ACCUPLACER, which are used to determine class-level placement and college readiness. The list of which assessments all students must take, and which assessments parents/guardians can choose to opt their student(s) out of is included in CEC’s State and Local Assessment Administration policy.
If you have any questions or would like to opt your student(s) out of optional state assessments, please use the contact form located at the bottom of this page.
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The Colorado Measures of Academic Success, known as CMAS, are the state’s common measurement of students’ progress at the end of the school year in English language arts, math and science. These assessments are developed collaboratively by the Colorado Department of Education, the assessment contractor Pearson and Colorado educators. Students who participate yearly have growth data each year, which is incredibly important for ensuring positive student outcomes.