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Transcripts & Records
For convenience, we are excited to announce that CEC has partnered with Parchment to process student transcript requests. CEC schools are only permitted to send high school records of students, which includes a recording of college credits for courses that were offered and completed through CEC. If you need a CEC Student Transcript, simply click on the CEC school name to access the Parchment webpage for that school.
Your unofficial transcript is available to view for free through Parchment, as well. It goes straight into your Parchment account and is available for you to view at any time. It cannot be used as an official transcript and cannot be sent anywhere. Your unofficial transcript will not update automatically. You must delete the transcript in your account and request the latest version of your transcript to be delivered to your Parchment account.
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College Transcript Requests
CEC schools do not have access to college transcripts. If you took college courses while enrolled at CEC you will need to request the official transcript from the college your courses were issued through.
Links to records requests webpages for some of our Accredited College Partners are listed below for convenience.
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Metropolitan State University of Denver
Helpful Transcript Information
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What is Parchment?
Parchment works with institutions and corporations around the world helping people collect, promote and share their education credentials in simple and secure ways. The company’s Software-as-a-Service offering, Parchment Exchange enables the secure, rapid exchange of millions of electronic transcripts and other student records among nearly 9,000 schools and universities, six state education agencies, and hundreds of thousands of individuals.
How does the e-Transcript service work?
A student at a participating institution uses the link on the school’s website, enters identifiable information, selects a password and chooses where to send the transcript. These transcript requests are made available electronically to the sending institution’s Registrar, who approves the requests and uploads student transcript records electronically to Parchment. Parchment then delivers official transcripts, electronically, according to the receiving institution’s preference. The student receives an email confirmation when the transcripts are sent, and if delivered electronically, when received as well.
Is the Parchment Exchange service FERPA compliant?
Yes. Transcripts are sent through the Parchment Exchange service in a manner compliant with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA).
CEC schools do not have access to official ACT or SAT test scores. If either of those scores are being requested from a college or institution, please use the links below to access the methods provided on the ACT or SAT websites to request your records be sent.