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CEC students are eligible to be reimbursed for various expenditures such as textbooks, required supplies, laptops, and exams. Please use this page to learn about the types of reimbursements that are available, the amounts you can receive, and the requirements to receive them.
Reimbursement forms for each CEC school can be located at the bottom of this page.
Textbook & Required Supplies Reimbursements
Students are responsible to obtain textbooks and required supplies using the following methods in this order:
Step 1: Borrow
Before renting or purchasing items, students will contact their campus Bookstore Manager or Business Manager to see if the item is available in the student’s campus bookstore or lending library.
Borrowed items must be returned at the end of the semester.
Students’ fee account is charged for borrowed items that are damaged beyond reuse or not returned at the discretion of the Bookstore Manager or Business Manager unless exempted by CEC’s Student Charges and Student Charges Schedule Policy.
Step 2: Rent
If an item is not available in the student’s campus bookstore or lending library, students may look for rental options through the college or other rental sites.
Students are encouraged to find the lowest rental rate.
CEC assumes no responsibility for any rental agreement the student enters into with any rental organization.
It is the student’s responsibility to be aware of the return policy for every rented item for which they expect to request reimbursement.
Rented items must be returned to the site from which they were rented, not the CEC campus.
Step 3: Purchase
If an item is not available in the student’s campus bookstore or lending library and is not available for rent, students may purchase the item.
Students are expected to make every effort to find the cheapest way to purchase the item, beginning with used options.
It is the student’s responsibility to be aware of the return policy for every item purchased for which they expect to request reimbursement. If the student drops, fails, or withdraws from the course, returning the item for a refund, including any return fees, is solely the student’s responsibility.
Step 4: Reimbursement Request
Reimbursement forms containing important dates are located at the bottom of this page.
Documentation must be submitted with reimbursement request including:
• Receipt showing proof of payment.
• Syllabus or college document proving item is required for course.
All CEC borrowed items and purchased items, including textbooks and required supplies, must be returned to the student’s campus by the deadlines listed in the campus Reimbursement Form before reimbursement will be issued.
Step 5: Reimbursement Request Approval and Payout
Reimbursements will be issued only up to the amount of funds remaining in the student’s end-of-semester voucher balance.
The reimbursement amount is charged to the student’s voucher. *
Reimbursement will be first applied to any outstanding fees on the student’s fee account as listed in Infinite Campus. *
Returned, reimbursed items become the property of CEC and may be used for future lending.
Eligible for Reimbursement:
Required supplies are eligible for reimbursement only if all of the following are true:
• The items are required for the course
• The items are not available at the student’s CEC campus bookstore or lending library. See Step 1: Borrow
• The items are non-consumable or are required services
• The items are returned to CEC in good condition, suitable for future use
• The student completed and passed the course
• Textbooks (physical or digital)
• Calculators
• Rock samples
• Safety Glasses
• Tools
• Fingerprinting
• Background checks
• Licensure exams
Not Eligible for Reimbursement:
Items are not eligible for reimbursement if any of the following are true:
• Item(s) is optional or suggested, not required
• Any item not allowed at school as defined in the Student and Family Handbook.
• Item is consumable
• Eligible item was not returned by the deadline established by the school
• Reimbursement process was not followed. See Definitions
• The student failed, dropped, or withdrew from the course
• Art Supplies
• Knives
• Sales tax
• Shipping or handling fees
Laptop Reimbursements
CEC offers a one-time reimbursement to students for laptops that are needed for CEC course work.
Full-time students may request up to 50% of purchase price up to $400.
Part-time Students may request up to 50% of purchase price up to $200.
Laptop Reimbursement Eligibility and Procedures:
Students must be enrolled in or have passed college course.
Students will comply with the reimbursement procedure and timeline defined in the Reimbursement Form for their CEC campus. Reimbursement forms are located at the bottom of this page. *
Receipt showing proof of payment must be submitted with reimbursement request.
Sales tax, shipping costs, handling fees, and other similar charges will not be reimbursed. *
Reimbursement will be first applied to any outstanding fees on the student’s account as listed in Infinite Campus. *
Reimbursements will be issued only up to the amount of funds remaining in the student’s end-of-semester voucher balance. Should a student need to go over their spring voucher amount of $2,400 (full-time students) or $1,200 (part-time students) to cover laptop cost, the student’s advisor must give approval. *
The reimbursement amount is charged to the student’s voucher. *
Reimbursements will affect student’s voucher balance and might limit the number of courses CEC will pay for during the school year. *
Ineligible Electronic Devices:
• iPad
• Tablet
• Desktop computer
• Phone
• 2-in-1 tablet/laptop
Exam Reimbursements
CEC offers reimbursement to students who take:
• A CLEP (College Level Examination Program) examination, or similar exam provided by a college, for a college course that aligns with the student’s ICAP goals.
• An Industry Certification Examination that aligns with the student’s ICAP goals.
CEC will pay for the first exam attempt for students who qualify for Free or Reduced Lunch. If the student fails, any further exam attempts will be paid for by the student unless exempted by CEC’s Student Charges and Student Charges Schedule Policy. Reimbursement forms may be used to request funds to pay for the exam.
CEC will reimburse students who do NOT qualify for Free or Reduced Lunch for the cost of the exam providing the student passes the exam.
Exam Reimbursement Eligibility and Procedures:
Students will comply with the reimbursement procedure and timeline defined in the Reimbursement Form for their CEC campus. Reimbursement forms are located at the bottom of this page. *
Documentation will be submitted with reimbursement request:
• Proof of passing score
• Transcript showing credit earned or copy of official Industry Certification earned
• Receipt showing payment
Sales tax, shipping costs, handling fees, and other similar charges will not be reimbursed. *
Reimbursements will be issued only up to the amount of funds remaining in the student’s end-of-semester voucher balance. Should a student need to go over their spring voucher amount of $2,400 (full-time students) or $1,200 (part-time students) to cover exam cost, the student’s advisor must give approval. *
The reimbursement amount is charged to the student’s voucher. *
Reimbursements are charged directly to the student’s voucher and will be issued only if there are funds remaining on the student’s voucher. *
Reimbursements will affect student’s voucher balance and might limit the number of courses CEC will pay for during the school year. *
All reimbursement requests that are not covered above will be approved at the discretion of the student’s campus Bookstore Manager or Business Manager as directed by the Head of School.
* This procedure applies to any reimbursement approved and issued by CEC.
CEC Student: Any student currently enrolled in a CEC school.
College Course: A course taken by a CEC Student which has been approved by the student’s CEC advisor and is provided by CEC college partner.
End-of-semester Voucher Balance: The funds remaining in a student’s voucher account after tuition, fees, and reimbursements for all courses have been deducted. Reimbursements will affect student’s voucher balance and might limit the number of courses and reimbursements CEC will pay for in the following semester. *
Fee Account: The fees listed in the student’s CEC account as shown in the fees module in Infinite Campus.
Reimbursement Process: Student must follow the steps outlined in this policy and by the instructions and information defined in the school-specific Reimbursement Form located at the bottom of this page. *